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Selected Webcam Images


I'm happy to be able to update this page with a few images from my new Stardot and Axis cameras!


Sunrise shots from Camera 2 in its old and new locations:


Early sunrise and late sunset at the height of summer:


October and November warmth in 2015!:








Ooo-errr what's going on here?! Camera 1 removed for cleaning and refocussing......:




The pics below came from my old Creative Webcam Pro, which was active from March 2003 until November 2014:


First, some very unusual webcam images captured during recent maintenance of the camera:


A ghostly figure....? or a maintenance 'engineer'? .... and 'attic' shot, fortunately not showing how untidy it is up there.....


Sun glare, reflecting off car:



Here are the 2 coldest pics from winter 2005/6:



and now let's warm up with the warmest days of 2005 and 2006:



New year's day t-storm 2005 (this was a freak squall, just look at the temperature drop in ½ hour!):



A red sunset on the winter solstice (2005) and a return to wet & very dull weather for new year:



The days are long here in summer......



.....but winters are mild, sometimes very mild like most of the month of February 2004:







....and here again are the older pics....


Well this turned out to be the warmest day of 2003. We only got a little of the August 2003 heatwave which swept across Europe. The picture above was recorded before I put a temperature stamp on the images, however I believe it reached 85F/30C. That's very good given our very moderate climate...


The summer of 2003 also turned out to be very dry by our standards, usually the grass wouldn't go as yellow as this in our rather moist climate...


Severe thunderstorms aren't that common here, but the one pictured above knocked out power (and my server) for an hour. Pity... would have been nice to get a picture with lightning in it!


Merry Christmas! You can still see the Christmas lights even behind the much brighter street lighting...


A clear (but cold) January evening produced a superb red sunset and (nearly 15 hours later) a spectacular purple sunrise....


Thought it would be nice to include a picture with some snow in it (just to prove that we get some occasionally). From the installation of my webcam (in March 2003) until the end of February 2004, the picture above was the best one I could find.... then this happened:

Above: The first picture shows a brief snow shower in progress. There was another (heavier) one that night (second picture) giving a nice covering - there's about an inch of the white stuff there and that's significant for us! The third picture shows the scene later that afternoon following a partial thaw.




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