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Plants in my garden

(Side garden)


PLEASE NOTE that any hardiness temperatures quoted are based on my own experience as well as on information obtained from other websites/growers..... they refer to mature plants and even then are absolutely NOT guaranteed - as I have found out the best way to determine if a particular plant will survive is to try it for myself - something I have found extremely rewarding!


Here are some pictures and info on the plants in my side garden. You can click the pics for a larger image (in a new window) - this may be necessary to see some of the smaller plants! Dates of planting in brackets.

My side garden has always been a problem, being almost bone-dry (usually), but very shady. I have finally got round to planting some stuff here, although I need to take responsibility for keeping the soil moist, especially in summer dry spells. My installation of a porous 'leaky pipe' irrigation system should help!


Side garden - photo 1 (August 2010)

Left: Small trachycarpus nanus (2007)

Right: Trachycarpus Naini Tal (2007)



Side garden - photo 2 (August 2010)

Bottom left: Trachycarpus manipur (2007)

Centre (rear): Trachycarpus Nova (2007)

Right-centre: Chamaedorea microspadix (2007)

Right (almost out of sight): Very small trachycarpus martianus 'Nepal' (2007).




Here are comments on some of the plants:


Himalayan Windmill palm (Trachycarpus Naini Tal)

Comments: Similar to t.fortunei, although t.NainiTal is supposed to be even hardier, maybe to -17C/2F? It is supposed to have a naturally bare trunk when mature, unlike the fortunei which has a hairy trunk - time will tell! This palm has been incorrectly sold for many years as 't.takil'. The true takil is extremely rare and not thought to be in cultivation.


Trachycarpus manipur

Another hardy trachy. This one is supposed to turn a nice blue colour as it matures.


Trachycarpus Nova

This was originally thought to be t. princeps (there was some confusion over this during the last few years). The 'official' princeps has blue/white leaf undersides. The Nova (which like the Naini Tal has yet to be classified/named) is decidedly green, but obviously different from the other trachys (much longer splits in leaves). I also have the 'official' princeps but mine is still small and hasn't been planted out yet.


Hardy bamboo palm (chamaedorea microspadix)

The 'other' hardy chamaedorea (another genus better know as a houseplant - c.elegans). This one is supposed to be as hardy as c.radicalis.


Nepal Khasia palm (trachycarpus martianus 'Nepal')

My earlier experience with t.martianus was not so positive, but as they say 'never give up on a palm until you've killed it - twice!'. This is the 'Nepal' variant, it's really too small to be planted out but it was not doing well in a pot. I'll give it a bit of winter protection.



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